4 Best Online Free JSON Viewer tools to improve your productivity


JSON is a popular way to store and exchange data. No matter, if you are a developer or any business professional, you can not look into the raw JSON files and get any valuable metrics. We need something visually calming, that can make our life easier. Data visualization has become a trend. Fortunately, there are many online Free JSON viewer tools available that can enhance your productivity. 

Today I will not only discuss some of the best JSON viewer tools for a developer, also I will also discuss the scope of data visualization in business in the long run.

What is JSON?

Lightweight data exchange format - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is simple for machines to comprehend and generate as well as for us to read and write. Data sharing between web servers and clients is one of its common uses.

JSON Structure

JSON has two structures:

  • name-value pair: It is represented as an Object in most programming languages.
  • list of values: We call it Array in most programming languages.

What are the JSON Data Types?

  • Object: A collection of name-value pairs enclosed in curly braces {}.
  • Array: An ordered collection of values enclosed in square brackets [].
  • Value: A string in double quotes, a number, a boolean, null, an object, or an array.
  • String: A sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes " ".
  • Number: An integer or a floating point.

JSON Example

This is what a simple JSON looks like:

          "name": "John Viewer",
          "age": 30,
          "email": "jsondata@example.com",
          "phoneNumbers": [
              "type": "jsonvisualizer",
              "number": "123-456-7890"
              "type": "jsonformatter",
              "number": "098-765-4321"
          "address": {
            "street": "123 Main St",
            "city": "jsontocsv",
            "state": "jsontoxml",
            "postalCode": "12345"
          "isActive": true

Let's look at nested JSON example

      "title": "nested json",
      "author": {
        "firstName": "nested json example",
        "lastName": "how to extract values from a nested json field in sql server",
        "birthYear": 1926
      "publicationYear": 1960,
      "genres": ["python nested json", "nested json object"],
      "availableFormats": {
        "hardcover": true,
        "paperback": true,
        "ebook": false,
        "audiobook": true

What is Json Viewer?

You can use Json Viewer online for a variety of purposes, and there are numerous lots of json viewer awesome app avaliable online. If you prefer not to use up system storage, there are also fantastic json viewer chrome extensions that let you work directly in your browser. 

Json Viewer beautify the process of viewing JSON structures by offering a hierarchical tree view, making it easier to navigate complex datasets. Many users prefer a Json Viewer download for offline use, and there are specific versions available, such as Json Viewer for Mac. Json viewer and editor often include features like syntax highlighting, json viewer with colors, json viewer to csv, json viewer to excel, json viewer to pdf, json viewer to table, and the ability to collapse and expand sections for better readability.

4 Best Free Online JSON Viewer Tools to help you as a Developer

JSON Graph Visualization with JSON Crack

As a Developer, I find JSON Crack is very much interactive and it helps to understand my nested json data file graphically. Json Crack offer json viewer for vs code plugin. The most fascinating feature, which I found here, is It is really good json viewer with large files. I imported a large Json viewer text on Json Crack's json viewer and editor, and it smoothly visualize my data in graph view. 

I pasted this JSON data into their JSON editor.

        "name":"json to graph",
          "street":"json viewer",
          "city":"nested json"

This is how my JSON looks like with JSON Crack

When I select a specific node in my graphical JSON tree view, I can access detailed information about that node and its child elements. I can use the search bar to find a node in the JSON tree structure by searching for specific key names or values.

Content Preview with JSON Hero

JSON Hero is an alternative Online JSON visualizer tool. Unlike JSON Crack's graphical visualization, JSON Hero offers multiple layout options, including JSON to column, JSON to tree, and JSON formatting, allowing users to go through the JSON structure very well.

As you can see, I inserted a JSON and I can view my JSON in two structures: JSON structure and Schema structure. I can search any key from the search bar and I can also get to know the type of my JSON key-value. 

JSON Hero has a unique feature, which I really liked is content-preview, which automatically interprets any JSON string values to provide a preview. This feature is particularly helpful for displaying previews of dates, image URLs, colors, website URLs, and other types of data.

Format JSON Data with JSON Formatter and Validator

JSON Formatter & Validator is an Online json viewer and validator tool designed to increase readability and organize JSON data. It automatically arranges JSON data for better comprehension. While the JSON I provided here, is technically valid. But if it is not, this json viewer and formatter tool will validate it quickly by formatting and beautifying the JSON data. 

Additionally, it can identify common JSON errors such as incorrect quotes, missing quotes, and commas, ensuring data accuracy.

Convert JSON to Schema with JSON Schema

To process with it, I want us to understand, what JSON Schema is:

JSON Schema validates your JSON documents. It means with JSON Schema, you can define the expected format, data types, and constraints for each key in your JSON documents. 

JSON Schema helps us to ensure that our data must be a particular structure.


      const schema = {
        type: "object",
        properties: {
          title: { type: "string" },
          year: { type: "integer", minimum: 1800, maximum: 2024 },
          author: {
            type: "object",
            properties: {
              firstName: { type: "string" },
              lastName: { type: "string" },
            required: ["firstName", "lastName"],
          genres: {
            type: "array",
            items: { type: "string" },
            minItems: 1,
        required: ["title", "year", "author", "genres"],
        additionalProperties: false,

This is what a JSON Schema looks like. You can also generate a new schema from JSON Schema and do validations. Apart from that, there are also other bunch of features JSON Schema provides that definitely help with data visualization and validation.

How Data Visualization Impacts Decision Making at Work - Data Visualization Definition

Boardrooms used to be filled with boring tables of numbers. Now, they look very different. Today, they are bright and colorful, thanks to data visualization. There are many problems that data visualization can solve. Data visualization is important for data - raw data, as it is turned into easy-to-understand pictures like graphs, charts, and displays. These visuals don’t just show data—you can use data visualization to analyze. They make it simple for people to understand complex information quickly, as data visualization for quantitative data is really helpful. Business leaders can see and understand the details at a glance, allowing them to make quick and smart decisions.

Seeing is Believing

When art and technology come together, the outcome is more than just data; it's a beautiful piece of data art. Businesses are moving away from traditional data visuals and creating more artistic representations of their data with data visualization to show progress. This change isn’t just about looking good—it attracts viewers and turns complex data into understandable stories.

BTS - Behind the Scenes

Data visualization is important because the business world has changed a lot, moving away from relying on the sixth sense. Decisions are no longer based just on gut feelings. With the arrival of big data, decision-making has transformed, making data-driven strategies more important. That is why data visualization is important for big data. Data Visualization and dashboards has become a key player in this change. Using advanced techniques, businesses are creating impressive data visuals that make sense of complex data. These data visualization and analytics reveal hidden market trends, detailed consumer behaviors, and potential risks. But it’s not just about looking good. These data visualizations tools like tableau bring clarity. Businesses aren’t just looking at data—they’re understanding it. This clarity from Data Visualization acts as a guide, helping businesses make smart decisions and develop effective strategies, so they can understand the market with more accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best Json Viewer?

There are many tools available to visualize JSON Data. Here are the 4 smartest tools I described that can make your software life easier.

How to use Json Viewer?

Pick any online json viewer tool you want, then you can just paste the json or you can import it into the json tool editor.

Which is the best viewer for large JSON files?

These 4 JSON viewer tools are best for any length of JSON files.

Which is json viewer in android?

For Android, there are many popular JSON Viewers are available, which allows you to view, edit, and format JSON data easily.

How to use json viewer in chrome?

To use a JSON Viewer in Chrome, install a JSON Viewer extension from the Chrome Web Store. Once installed, open a JSON file or paste JSON data into your browser, and the extension will automatically format and display it.

How to add json viewer plugin for notepad++?

To add json viewer for notepad++, download the "JSON Viewer" plugin from the Notepad++ Plugin Manager or from the official Notepad++ website. Then, place the downloaded plugin file into the Notepad++ plugins directory. Restart Notepad++ and the JSON Viewer plugin will be available for use.

How do I Visualise a JSON file?

You can visualize a JSON file in a JSON to tree, JSON to chart, JSON to graph, or any format you want.

Why data visualization is important?

Data visualization plays an essential role in business decision-making because it transforms complicated data into easily understood, useful insights that allow quick, sound decisions.

Which software is best for data visualization?

There are powerful data visualization to analyze big data:

Why data visualization matters?

Data visualization or data analytics tools to view our data as infographics. Data visualization and storytelling allow us to view complicated data through charts, graphs, patterns and relationships.

What are data visualization techniques?

Data visualization techniques cover a wide range of methods to represent data visually. Data visualization free tools can help you to get this. Some common data visualization techniques are:
  • Charts and Graphs
  • Infographics
  • Dashboards
  • Network diagrams


Hello, I’m Sangita, person behind "codegirl", a dedicated web developer. Crafting digital experiences is not just my job; it’s my passion. Let’s build something exceptional together!

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