Why Developers love Linux?

Why Developers Should Use Linux

The operating system you use as a developer can have a great impact on your productivity, workflow, and even creativity. Linux sticks out to me as the best option. Thanks to its open-source design, active community, and unmatched customization capabilities, Linux provides an environment that not only satisfies my technical requirements but also motivates me to work. 

I'll go into my own experiences, and explain why I think Linux is superior to other operating systems in my blog. I also want to shed light on the many benefits that Linux offers, regardless of your level of experience with coding.

Open Source Feature

Since Linux is an open-source operating system, its source code is available to developers, we can modify and customize it to meet our unique needs. Windows just doesn't offer this kind of versatility. 

The capacity of Linux to handle several tasks at once without crashing or slowing down is one of its best qualities. For developers, who frequently need to run many applications at once to ensure an easy and effective workflow, this functionality is crucial.

You can access the source code here

   git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git

Monitor System Performance in the Real Time

Multiple processes may be handled well by Linux. For real-time system performance monitoring, use programs like top or htop. The following describes how to run several apps in the background:

# Running two processes in the background
  ./app1 &
  ./app2 &

Custom Configuration

Linux configuration files provide a high degree of customisation. For instance, I can set up custom aliases or environment variables by editing the.bashrc file:

# Open the .bashrc file
  nano ~/.bashrc

  # Add a custom alias
  alias ll='ls -la'

Powerful CLI

As a coder, my productivity can be greatly impacted by my choice of operating system. For this reason, I think Linux is the best choice for my development job.

Linux's powerful command line interface is one of its best qualities for developers (CLI). The CLI gives developers a great deal of control and accuracy, enabling them to complete a variety of tasks quickly and efficiently. The CLI uses text-based commands as opposed to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which can require several mouse clicks and considerable menu navigation. With only a few keystrokes, complicated tasks like file management, program installation, and system configuration can be completed more easily thanks to this simplified interaction.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Secure Remote Access

For developers and system administrators in charge of servers or networks, Linux's strong support for secure remote access is one of its most notable characteristics. This feature protects data integrity and security during distant connections in addition to increasing productivity.

SSH - Secure Shell

On Linux, SSH is the foundation for secure remote access. Through data encryption, it offers a safe conduit over an unprotected network. Developers can safely transfer data, run programs, and remotely log in to another computer via SSH.

ssh user@remote-server-ip

SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol

SFTP, which is based on the SSH protocol, enables safe file transfers between local and server computers. It makes sure that private information is safe by encrypting both instructions and data.

sftp user@remote-server-ip

Frequent Updates

The consistent and reliable upgrades that Linux is known for are very helpful to developers. Because of this consistency, developers can anticipate regular releases of security updates, bug fixes, and new features. In addition, the update procedure is made to be smooth and discreet in order to reduce downtime and guarantee system stability even after updates are implemented.

Strong Community Support

Linux has a strong user and development community that is essential to the platform's continued growth and upkeep. Linux is a desirable choice for developers looking for stable and easily accessible support because of its large community. The Linux community is known for its vast knowledge base, which is freely accessible. It also provides an abundance of tutorials, documentation, and guidelines to assist developers in becoming acquainted with the operating system and all of its many components.

Developer Friendly OS

One operating system that is particularly developer-friendly and supports a wide range of programming languages is Linux. It is a favored option for developers working on a range of tasks

Broad Language Support

Many programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, and others, are supported by Linux. Because of their adaptability, we can use a variety of tools and libraries that are suited to their particular requirements.

Rich Development Ecosystem

A wide range of development tools are included with Linux. Developers can write code more effectively with the help of integrated development environments (IDEs) like Eclipse and Visual Studio Code and text editors like Vim and Emacs.


Linux is a popular choice among developers for a variety of strong reasons. Its open-source nature, versatility, ability to work with a large number of programming languages, and command-line interface all add up to a dependable and effective development environment. Linux is a great choice for development projects of any size because of its active community support, minimal resource usage, and excellent security features.


Hello, I’m Sangita, person behind "codegirl", a dedicated web developer. Crafting digital experiences is not just my job; it’s my passion. Let’s build something exceptional together!

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